August 11th 2021

Meet Malcolm Thomson, our Business Development Director

With Kirkwood Timber Frame now officially launched, we want to start showcasing our talented team - sharing their experience, expertise, passion and goals. First up is Malcolm Thomson, Business Development Director, who has over 30 years of experience in the timber frame industry. Driven by delivering a quality product and an unrivalled service to customers, he is excited to embark on this new journey with Kirkwood Timber Frame.
Meet Malcolm Thomson, our Business Development Director

Tell us about your experience and your career to date…

“I’ve been in the construction industry since I was 18, starting up in my hometown of Inverness designing roof trusses.

“I have worked for both local and national timber frame companies across a variety of roles - from truss designer and project manager, to technical and operations director, sales director and even managing director. During that time I built up vast experience across a range of disciplines - design, engineering, sales, surveying, site works, health and safety, quality assurance and more.”

Why have you chosen to join Kirkwood Timber Frame?

“In all my previous roles, I had either replaced someone or been promoted. This presented a unique and exciting opportunity for me to use all the experience I’ve built up, bring my own ideas, and help to develop a business that is fully aligned with my passion for timber frame and the customer experience.

“I’m also very excited about the significant investment into the factory expansion and new state-of-the-art machinery. This will take our offering to the next level - driving down lead times even further, and streamlining our operations.”

What do you enjoy most about your work?

“I get so much satisfaction from seeing a design come to fruition - taking the architect’s ideas, designing it, and making it work structurally, thermally and aesthetically. It’s the challenge I get a buzz from - how do we make it happen? And how do we meet both the architect’s and the client’s aspirations?

“I’m also really passionate about the benefits that timber frame can offer in the battle against climate change. Utilising a fabric-first approach, we can build low carbon, sustainable homes that will also help fuel poverty as they will be low cost to heat. Coupled with timber being a carbon store and timber frame using less carbon to produce, it’s a no-brainer why timber frame should be the building method of choice.”

What are the biggest benefits Kirkwood Timber Frame can bring to customers?

“Flexibility and energy efficiency, which is a big driver in today’s market. We can design a house to suit your exact needs, that can be installed quickly, and can be future-proofed from an energy perspective, not only meeting today’s regulations but also regulations of the future.

“The experience of being part of a homebuilder group is also a huge advantage, for both builders and developers, as well as self-builders. We understand the demand of sites and site managers, and we have tried and tested products that we know are of superior quality.”

What is your vision for the business?

“My ultimate goal is to become a supplier of choice, and be recognised for quality and service.

“Scotland is today’s target market, but in the near future I want to be targeting the whole of the UK, which would hopefully lead to further investment.

“I’m excited to grow our team and longer term, I want to establish a programme for bringing young people into the business, training them up and moulding them into the Kirkwood approach and ethos. I have been fortunate to have worked with and for some great people and would like to be able to pass on that experience to the next generation.”
